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Most habitat and range descriptions were obtained from Weakley's Flora.

Your search found 4 taxa in the family Linderniaceae, False-pimpernel family, as understood by Weakley's Flora.


range map

camera icon speaker icon Common Name: Yellowseed False Pimpernel

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Lindernia dubia var. dubia   FAMILY: Linderniaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Lindernia dubia var. dubia   FAMILY: Scrophulariaceae

INCLUDED WITHIN Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Lindernia dubia 166-09-002   FAMILY: Scrophulariaceae


Habitat: Wet sandy or muddy areas


Native to the Carolinas & Georgia


range map

Common Name: Riverbank Pimpernel

Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Lindernia saxicola   FAMILY: Linderniaceae

INCLUDED WITHIN PLANTS National Database: Lindernia monticola   FAMILY: Scrophulariaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Lindernia saxicola 166-09-003   FAMILY: Scrophulariaceae


Habitat: On river-scoured siliceous rocks

Rare (historically in NC Mountains, but not recently seen)

Native to North Carolina & possibly Georgia


range map

camera icon speaker icon Common Name: Flatrock Pimpernel, Riverbank Pimpernel, False Pimpernel, Piedmont Pimpernel

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Lindernia monticola   FAMILY: Linderniaceae

INCLUDED WITHIN PLANTS National Database: Lindernia monticola   FAMILY: Scrophulariaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Lindernia monticola 166-09-004   FAMILY: Scrophulariaceae


Habitat: In seasonal seepage on granitic flatrocks, mesic hammocks, pine savannas

Common in GA Piedmont (uncommon or rare elsewhere)

Native to the Carolinas & Georgia


range map

Common Name: Shade Mudflower

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Micranthemum umbrosum   FAMILY: Linderniaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Micranthemum umbrosum   FAMILY: Scrophulariaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Micranthemum umbrosum 166-10-001   FAMILY: Scrophulariaceae


Habitat: Shallow pools, stagnant streams, wet depressions in swamp forests

Common in Coastal Plain (rare in Piedmont)

Native to the Carolinas & Georgia


Your search found 4 taxa. You are on page PAGE 1 out of 1 pages.

"... no amount of herbicide, biological, mechanical, or human power can hope to control invasive plants if the state's 17 million residents, homeowners and visitors continue to introduce invasive (or potentially invasive) plants into their backyards, or unknowingly dispose of them in natural areas." — Jeff Schardt, Florida Department of Environmental Protection/Bureau of Invasive Plant Management