Your search found 402 image(s) illustrating the term "glabrous." For a written explanation, click on "glabrous" in the Glossary.
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Wright's Cliffbrake,
Pellaea wrightiana
Pinnae usually have 3-9 leathery, glabrous, narrowly oblong, ultimate segments, per Flora of North America.
Arizona Cliffbrake,
Pellaea ternifolia ssp. arizonica
Ultimate segments linear-oblong apically mucronate, leathery, glabrous below, per The Ferns and Lycophytes of Texas (Diggs & Lipscomb, 2014).
Crested Woodfern,
Dryopteris cristata
Sori round, medial. Indusia kidney-shaped, glabrous, per Field Guide to the Ferns and Other Pteridophytes of Georgia (Snyder & Bruce, 1986).
Hill Cane,
Arundinaria appalachiana
Abaxial surfaces of foliage blades pilose or glabrous, weakly tessellate, per Weakley's Flora (2020).
Slender Woodoats,
Chasmanthium laxum
Collar (junction of leaf & sheath) glabrous or nearly so, leaves 3-7mm wide, per Weakley's Flora.
Sea Oats,
Uniola paniculata
Nodes and internodes glabrous, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Sea Oats,
Uniola paniculata
Leaf surfaces & margins glabrous, sheaths glabrous, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Orchard Grass,
Dactylis glomerata
Nodes and internodes glabrous, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Bromus secalinus
Leaf sheath usually glabrous; blade 5-15cm x 3-6mm, pubescent; ligule 1-2mm, per Flora of China.
Field Brome,
Bromus arvensis
Foliage downy to subglabrous, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Rat-tail Fescue,
Festuca myuros
Culms 10-70cm tall. Leaves to 15cm x 0.5-1.2mm; blades and sheaths glabrous, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Elymus repens
Nodes and internodes glabrous, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Cereal Rye,
Secale cereale
Leaves caulinge, blades to 20cm long; sheaths glabrous, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Bog Oatgrass,
Danthonia epilis
Nearly glabrous foliage, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Poverty Oatgrass,
Danthonia spicata
Sheaths glabrous or nearly so, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Domestic Oats,
Avena sativa
Spikelets 15-30mm long, 6-10mm wide. Glumes usually 9-nerved, glabrous, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Domestic Oats,
Avena sativa
Leaf blades glabrous on both surfaces; sheaths glabrous, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Sandhills Dropseed,
Sporobolus junceus
Leaf blades folded or involute, slender, glabrous, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Eleusine indica
Leaf blades to 2dm long, glabrous or sparsely pilose above, glabrous beneath, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Southern Wild-rice,
Zizaniopsis miliacea
Leaf blades glabrous except very scabrous margins, 1-2cm wide, midrib stout, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Rough Barnyard-grass,
Echinochloa muricata var. muricata
Sheaths glabrous, blades elongate, 5-15mm wide, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Seaside Panicum,
Panicum amarum
Stems solitary or in clumps; plant glaucous, glabrous, w extensive rhizomes, per Wildflowers of the Eastern United States (Duncan & Duncan, 1999).
Hairless Witchgrass,
Dichanthelium strigosum var. glabrescens
Culms glabrous, blades conspicuously ciliate, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Ravenel's Witchgrass,
Dichanthelium ravenelii
Blades thick, upper surface glabrous, densely velvety-hirsute beneath, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Few-flowered Witchgrass,
Dichanthelium oligosanthes
Blade upper surface glabrous or nearly so, harshly puberulent beneath, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Woolly Witchgrass,
Dichanthelium acuminatum var. acuminatum
Culms 40-70cm tall, lax, often with glabrous ring below villous nodes, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Woolly Witchgrass,
Dichanthelium acuminatum var. acuminatum
Culms ascending, usually with a glabrous ring below the villous nodes, per The Grasses of North Carolina (Blomquist, 1948).
Forked Witchgrass,
Dichanthelium dichotomum var. dichotomum
Spikelets glabrous, 1.8-2.3mm long; widest vernal blades 3-8(10)mm wide, per Weakley's Flora (2020).
Blue Witchgrass,
Dichanthelium caerulescens
Vernal panicle 3-7cm long; spikelets obovoid, turgid, glabrous, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Small-fruited Witchgrass,
Dichanthelium microcarpon
Internodes and sheaths glabrous; usually all nodes densely bearded, per Weakley's Flora (2020).
Small-fruited Witchgrass,
Dichanthelium microcarpon
Nodes conspicuously bearded with reflexed hairs, culms otherwise glabrous, per The Grasses of North Carolina (Blomquist, 1948).
Long-ligule Witchgrass,
Dichanthelium longiligulatum
Culms 2-7dm long, wiry. Leaf blades glabrous, to 8cm long, 2-6mm wide, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Round-fruited Witchgrass,
Dichanthelium sphaerocarpon
Nodes glabrous or sparsely hairy, per The Grasses of North Carolina (Blomquist, 1948).
Round-fruited Witchgrass,
Dichanthelium sphaerocarpon
Nodes upwardly bearded, internodes glabrous, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Round-fruited Witchgrass,
Dichanthelium sphaerocarpon
Sheaths glabrous, margins papilose-ciliate, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Many-flowered Witchgrass,
Dichanthelium polyanthes
Nodes and internodes glabrous or puberulent. Leaf bases cordate, ciliate, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Many-flowered Witchgrass,
Dichanthelium polyanthes
Blades glabrous on both surfaces, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Variable Witchgrass,
Dichanthelium commutatum +
Blades glabrous, margins scaberulose, bases cordate, frequently ciliate, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Deer-tongue Witchgrass,
Dichanthelium clandestinum
Blades glabrous both surfaces, margins scaberulose, bases cordate, ciliate, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Deer-tongue Witchgrass,
Dichanthelium clandestinum
Sheaths papillose-hirsute to almost glabrous, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Bosc's Witchgrass,
Dichanthelium boscii
Blades glabrous, puberulent or pilose on both surfaces, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Bent-awn Plumegrass,
Erianthus contortus
Nodes glabrous or pubescent with erect deciduous hairs, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Bent-awn Plumegrass,
Erianthus contortus
Sheaths sparsely pilose at summit or glabrous, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Sugarcane Plumegrass,
Erianthus giganteus
Nodes usually bearded, internodes glabrous or pubescent, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Andropogon virginicus var. virginicus
Sheaths glabrous or more or less pilose along margins, occ conspicuously so, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Dryland White Bluestem,
Andropogon capillipes
Leaves strongly glaucous, often nearly white with powdery wax, glabrous, per Weakley's Flora.
jointed flatsedge,
Cyperus articulatus
Bracts 2-3, less than 3cm long. Peduncles 4-12, flat, glabrous, to 10cm long, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Rough Flatsedge,
Cyperus retrofractus
Rays glabrous or rarely w a few hairs just below spike; longest ray shorter than longest bract, per Weakley's Flora (2023).
Densetuft Hairsedge,
Bulbostylis capillaris ssp. capillaris
Leaf blades filiform, 0.5mm wide, involute, margins ciliate-scabrid, surface glabrous, per Flora of North America.
Tawny Cottongrass,
Eriophorum virginicum
Leaf blades glabrous, 2-4mm wide, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Appalachian Woodland Sedge,
Carex austrolucorum
Perigynium beak 1.1-2.4mm long, body glabrous to sparsely pubescent, papillae usually absent, per Weakley's Flora (2022).
Necklace Sedge,
Carex prasina
Leaf blades glabrous, 2-4mm wide, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Cherokee Sedge,
Carex cherokeensis
Leaf blades 4-5mm wide; sheaths brownish, glabrous, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Long-fringed Sedge,
Carex crinita var. crinita
Sheath backs scabrous - C. mitchelliana (on left); vs. glabrous - C. crinita (on right), per Weakley's Flora (2022).
Mitchell's Sedge,
Carex mitchelliana
Sheath backs scabrous - C. mitchelliana (on left); vs. glabrous - C. crinita (on right), per Weakley's Flora (2022).
Hop Sedge,
Carex lupulina
Perigynia ascending, lance-ovoid, shiny, glabrous; their beaks conic, per Flora of North America.
False Hop Sedge,
Carex lupuliformis
Perigynia ascending to spreading, sessile, lance-ovoid, shiny, glabrous;..., per Flora of North America.
Piedmont Roseling,
Cuthbertia rosea
Cymes 3-15 flowered. Flowers minutely bracteate, pedicels glabrous, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Piedmont Roseling,
Cuthbertia rosea
Plant glabrous or glabrate, 2-5dm tall. Leaves to 3dm long, to 14mm wide, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Zigzag Spiderwort,
Tradescantia subaspera
Leaves 15-35cm long, 0.6-4.5cm wide. Plant glabrous or pubescent, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).